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Here are listed known bugs and odd behaviours.
* CrossDOS
With MessyDOS being one big bug, the MessyDOS filesystem is part of
a bug. :-) This means not all things AmigaDOS supports, is supported
by CrossDOS, too. Especially Protection bits are different,
and Filenotes are not supported. Not to mention the 8+3 filename limit.
A further problem is the missing date-of-last-change of the disk.
Without this FNC cannot determine whether something on the disk has
been changed and even not whether the whole disk has been changed.
So you have to update FNC manually by pressing CTRL-P after a change.
If you are on the last page, scroll up some lines and scroll down some
lines again, you will notice a weird behaviour. This is hard to fix.
alias list dir ; alias dir list
does not exchange "dir" and "list", because nested aliases are allowed.
This is not a bug, this is a feature !
* Review-Buffer
Some commands, especially OS2.0+ only, use other ways to output text
than dos.library's Write(). As a result this output will not appear
in the review-buffer. Probably this will be fixed in future.
If you want to delete a link, you have to describe it with wild cards,
otherwise the original file will be deleted, because the system
resolves links automatically. I do not have an idea how to work
around it.
You have to make sure that the destination directory is not moved to
itself like in "move * temp/". Maybe there are more strange behaviours
in the MORE command, I am waiting for bug-reports. :-)
Directories nested very much, about more than 50 levels, and using
recursive option to scan them, cause ZShell to crash. Still looking
for the bug.
* If you type a command and press Return while an other command (like DIR)
outputs on the window, it will appear after the next prompt, but it
will just be put in the history buffer without executing it. Sorry,
there is no way to fix this, because the Return above is treated as
Shift-Return by the system. Two solutions:
1.) Press cursor up (last line in history) and then press Return
2.) Use "config ctrlkeys WQSEIX[TYHKJLRVFP". With this Shift-Return
will be the same as Return and CTRL-K will be what Shift-Return
was before.
* Filename completion
If you have a filename with a space in it, you have to make sure you
type the quotes around it by yourself, this can hardly be done
automatically. Press CTRL-F instead of TAB in these cases.
If you have multiple assigns (ASSIGN ADD) to your C: (or another)
directory, PATH will accept only the first one. Add the other
directories to the path by using "path directoryname".
* Parser
" is converted to " only in some commands like ECHO and ASK,
but it is not treated as quote, too.